In light of recent developments surrounding the novel COVID-19 virus, we wanted to send out an update on what were doing here at Muirfield Lakes Golf Club.
Our number one priority will be ensuring the safety of our members, guests and staff. We will be diligent in implementing any and all recommendations put forth from the trusted health experts who speak on behalf of our Provincial and Federal governments.
Fortunately, golf is one of the few social activities we can do that does not surround us with large gatherings of people. With that being said, we will be implementing enhanced safety procedures for as long as necessary to ensure our guests and staff can feel safe and comfortable during your Muirfield Lakes Golf Club experience. Some of the procedures we are prepared to implement include:
- Outdoor check-in so our guests do not have to enter the building if they so choose to practice social distancing
- Removing rakes from bunkers on course and providing golfers with their own personal rake that they will take with them and will be sanitized prior every round
- Attaching hand sanitizer bottles to every pin on the course so you can sanitize your hands after removing the pin and your golf ball from the hole
- Offering individual carts for each golfer if necessary
- Power carts and pull carts being fully cleaned and sanitized following every use
- Additional on course hand washing stations
- Reducing maximum capacity in the clubhouse by 50% (maximum of 40 people in the clubhouse at any given time)
In addition to all of these actions, we will be increasing the frequency of our food and safety procedures in our kitchen and clubhouse and reemphasizing the importance of proper health standards of all of our employees.
As you all know, this is a very fluid situation and we will provide the latest updates as plans and procedures continue to evolve. If you have any suggestions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
We are very much looking forward to having a great 2020 golf season and hope you all stay safe and informed during these unprecedented times.